Vertical | Transportation |
Size | 1-50 employees (LinkedIn) |
Stage | Pre-seed |
Investors | |
Location | Remote |
Website | RouteZero website |
Additional company info | RouteZero company tax, EIN & IRS information |
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What RouteZero makes
RouteZero decarbonises the UK and Europe's largest source of emissions, travel, by helping organisations deploy the most effective carbon-cutting actions.
Company Info
RouteZero is a young, fast-moving climate-tech startup that provides large public and private organisations with the only platform they need to decarbonise business travel. RouteZero aims to prevent millions of tonnes of CO₂ from entering the atmosphere by helping customers implement the most effective carbon-cutting actions through three steps:
1. Customers' historical data is used to plan the actions needed to hit their Net-Zero goals 2. Carbon-cutting actions are deployed to 1000s of staff, including low-carbon routing and booking, carbon budgeting, gamification, social influence tools, and more! 3. Carbon tracking software actively reduces travel emissions and seeks additional opportunities for emissions savings
RouteZero adopts an "emissions-first" approach in every aspect of its business, from its business model to its product roadmap, while remaining cost-competitive compared to the status quo or other emissions reduction methods.
Role of software at RouteZero
RouteZero is a pure software business. Over the next year, they plan to:
- Continue to build low-carbon routing and booking for trains, flights, micromobility and more in the UK and Europe with partners Trainline, Voi, and others
- Integrating carbon calculation methodologies to track emissions at a granular level
- Build, test, and refine carbon-cutting actions (there's a lot of space for creativity and innovation here, and everyone at RouteZero is encouraged to get involved in coming up with ideas)
- Explore how machine learning can predict future emissions and identify emission reduction opportunities through carbon-actions
RouteZero's Trajectory
RouteZero aims to grow its team to 10 in the next year and is looking for people who love the early stages of startups.
RouteZero's Climate Impact
RouteZero is currently targeting large businesses under the most pressure to decarbonise. But, their decarbonisation approach can be applied to SMEs, small, micro-businesses, and even individual consumers, as well as other verticals besides travel. Using data from their clients and an analysis of business sizes, they've estimated their potential for carbon reduction in business travel to be over 50 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent per year.
RouteZero number of job openings over time by month
- Number of job openings
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