Jobs tracker + ClimateTechList partnership & discount

15% discount for's 12-week climate bootcamp

Need help in your climate tech job search? Not sure which climate solution you can have the most impact in? Dive deep into climate with’s 12-week climate bootcamp course. has partnered with ClimateTechList to give ClimateTechList users a discount for its flagship Climate Change: Learning for Action program: just use this link to purchase for 15% off.

Details about Climate Change: Learning for Action:

  • 12-week cohort-based online program
  • Alumni community of 1900+ fellows from 25+ countries to grow your network and find your ideal climate job
  • Outside speakers of employers, experts, and other climate professionals
  • Understand the complexities of our generation's biggest crisis from a science, economics, policy and climate justice lens

👉 Click here to learn more about the course receive the 15% discount. climate bootcamp

Testimonials for's Learning for Action (LFA) course

“You could enroll in 10 different courses at 10 different universities and learn all of these different things, but Learning for Action brought them all together in a 12-week, intensive course and I draw on that experience, on that learning almost every day.”

—Statton Hammock, Head of Legal & Sustainability Compliance @Aspiration & LFA Alum

“When I started Terra, I was unsure what should be done to solve climate change, hesitant about if I could make an impact, and alone in trying to figure it all out. Now, at the end of my Terra course, I am clear on what we need to do to solve climate change, feel confident that I can and must play my part, and have a strong community of friends and colleagues working to solve climate change. I’m now accepting a full-time offer to join a climate tech company as a product manager.”

—Eric Li, Product Manager @Afresh & LFA Alum

👉 Click here to learn more about the course receive the 15% discount.